[INNODB] ibd文件之结构组成与空间分配






segment,也叫作段,用于管理extend,一个表至少会占有2个segment,一个segment用来管理nonleaf page所在的extend,另一个用于管理leaf page所在的extend。每多一个索引,segment会多2个。




type Page struct {
    // Start with file header
    fheader FileHeader
    // page body
    // checksum && lsn
    trailer [8]byte

每个page都有一个头部,还有一个尾部。头部标识了类型、checksum等信息,尾部标识了checksum等信息用于确认该页是否写入完整。根据头部的page类型标识,我们可以将page body解析成对应的类型,主要有以下几种类型:

file space header / xdes




type FSPHeader struct {
    // The space ID of the current space.
    spaceID uint32
    unused  uint32
    // The “size” is the highest valid page number, and is incremented
    // when the file is grown. However, not all of these pages are initialized
    // (some may be zero-filled), as extending a space is a multi-step process.
    highestPageNumberInFile uint32
    // The “free limit” is the highest page number for which the FIL header has
    // been initialized, storing the page number in the page itself, amongst other things.
    // The free limit will always be less than or equal to the size.
    highestPageNumberInitialized uint32
    // Storage of flags related to the space.
    Flags uint32
    pagesUsedInFreeFrag uint32
    // Extents that are completely unused and available to be allocated in
    // whole to some purpose. A FREE extent could be allocated to a file
    // segment (and placed on the appropriate INODE list), or moved
    // to the FREE_FRAG list for individual page use.
    freeList ListBaseNode
    // Extents with free pages remaining that are allocated to be used in “fragments”,
    // having individual pages allocated to different purposes rather than allocating
    // the entire extent. For example, every extent with an FSP_HDR or XDES page will be
    // placed on the FREE_FRAG list so that the remaining free pages in the extent can be
    // allocated for other uses.
    freeFragList ListBaseNode
    // Exactly like FREE_FRAG but for extents with no free pages remaining. Extents are
    // moved from FREE_FRAG to FULL_FRAG when they become full, and moved back to FREE_FRAG
    // if a page is released so that they are no longer full.
    fullFragList ListBaseNode
    // The file segment ID that will be used for the next allocated file segment.
    // (This is essentially an auto-increment integer.)
    nextUnusedSegmentID uint64
    fullInodesList      ListBaseNode
    freeInodesList      ListBaseNode


  1. freeList: 用于管理所有的空闲extend
  2. freeFragList: 用于管理所有的碎片页,也就是管理有剩余可用页的extend
  3. fullFragList: 用于管理所有已没有剩余可用页的extend


  1. 分配到freeFragList,用于碎片页的分配,而不是将整个extend都分配过去。假设被分配到了freeFragList中,则对应的extend的state也会发生改变。当freeFragList中的碎片页区被使用了之后,会被移入fullFragList,并且更新对应extend的state
  2. 分配到inode中。这个后续会进行讨论


// XdesEntry describe which pages within the extend are in use
type XdesEntry struct {
    // The ID of the file segment to which the extent belongs,
    // if it belongs to a file segment.
    fileSegmentID uint64
    // Pointers to previous and next extents in a doubly-linked extent descriptor list.
    // 6bytes
    list ListNode
    // State: The current state of the extent, for which only four values are currently
    // defined: FREE, FREE_FRAG, and FULL_FRAG, meaning this extent belongs to the
    // space’s list with the same name; and FSEG, meaning this extent belongs to
    // the file segment with the ID stored in the File Segment ID field. (More on these lists below.)
    // TODO: get the definition of state
    state uint32
    // Page State Bitmap: A bitmap of 2 bits per page in the extent (64 x 2 = 128 bits, or 16 bytes).
    // The first bit indicates whether the page is free. The second bit is reserved to indicate whether
    // the page is clean (has no un-flushed data), but this bit is currently unused and is always set to 1.
    pageStateBitmap [16]byte



  1. fileSegmentID: 标识该extend属于哪一个file segment inode,inode会在后面进行介绍
  2. list: 用于指向前一个或者后一个extend
  3. state: 用于标识该extend的状态
  4. pageStateBitmap: 用于标识该extend下64个页的使用情况

file segment inode


type INode struct {
    inodePageList ListNode
    inodes        [85]*INodeEntry
  1. inodePageList: 用于连接所有的inode页,这种情况很少发生,当一个页的inode用完了才会,比如有42个索引,这样的会分配新的inode页,并相互连接
  2. inodes: 各个segment的信息


type INodeEntry struct {
    // The ID of the file segment (FSEG) described by this
    // file segment INODE entry. If the ID is 0, the entry is unused.
    fileSegmentID uint64
    // Exactly like the space’s FREE_FRAG list (in the FSP header),
    // this field stores the number of pages used in the NOT_FULL list as an
    // optimization to be able to quickly calculate the number of free pages
    // in the list without iterating through all extents in the list.
    usedPagesInNotFullList uint32
    // Extents that are completely unused and are allocated to this file segment.
    freeList ListBaseNode
    // Extents with at least one used page allocated to this file
    // segment. When the last free page is used, the extent is moved to the FULL list.
    notFullList ListBaseNode
    // Extents with no free pages allocated to this file segment.
    // If a page becomes free, the extent is moved to the NOT_FULL list.
    fullList ListBaseNode
    // The value 97937874 is stored as a marker that this
    // file segment INODE entry has been properly initialized.
    magicNumber uint32
    // An array of 32 page numbers of pages allocated individually from
    // extents in the space’s FREE_FRAG or FULL_FRAG list of “fragment” extents.
    // Once this array becomes full, only full extents can be allocated to the file segment.
    fragmentArrayEntry [32]uint32
  1. fileSegmentID: 该inode的segment id
  2. freeList: 空闲的未使用的extend,该extend已经被分配到该segment中
  3. notFullList: 有未使用页的extend
  4. fullList: 没有可用页的extend
  5. fragmentArrayEntry: 碎片页数组

在这里,fragmentArrayEntry比较重要,牵扯到了innodb的页分配策略。首先一个表被新建后,该表的尺寸为96KB,也就是有6页。除了三页的初始页,还有3页处于空闲状态,这6页也属于一个extend,剩余的58页还没有被分配。该extend会挂在file space header中的freeFragList中,用于碎片页的分配。


==========PAGE 0==========
page num 0, offset 0x00000000, page type <File space header> 

==========PAGE 1==========
page num 1, offset 0x00004000, page type <Insert Buffer bit map> 

==========PAGE 2==========
page num 2, offset 0x00008000, page type <File segment inode> 

==========PAGE 3==========
page num 3, offset 0x0000C000, page type <Index> level <0> 

==========PAGE 4==========
page num 4, offset 0x00010000, page type <Allocated> 

==========PAGE 5==========
page num 5, offset 0x00014000, page type <Allocated>

可以看到,并没有分配新的extend,那page 3是从哪里进行分配的呢?我们继续使用innoisp来查看inode信息:

            ==========PAGE 2 OFFSET 0x8000==========
page list                                          
0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000                

file segment id     used(nf)  free list                                          not_full list                                      full list                                          fragment array
0x00000032:1        0         len<0> 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000         len<0> 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000         len<0> 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000         3 (page allocate)
0x000000F2:2        0         len<0> 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000         len<0> 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000         len<0> 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000         (page allocate)

这里就比较清楚了,我们可以看到fragment中有值了,为3,意思就是page 3是从file space header中的freeFragList中分配的,我们进行一次验证:

            ==========PAGE 0 OFFSET 0x0000==========
space id  page allo  page init  flags   page used(fg)  free_frag list                                     free list                                          full_frag list                                     next segment id  full inodes                                        free inodes                                        
4399      6          64         0x0000  4              len<1> 0x00000000:0x0096 0x00000000:0x0096         len<0> 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000         len<0> 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000         3                len<0> 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000 0xFFFFFFFF:0x0000         len<1> 0x00000002:0x0000 0x00000002:0x0000         

extend       page range          file segment id     state           page state (F)ree or (N)ot free
0(0x0096)    0-63                0x0000000000000000  0x00000002      NNNNFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF(60 free, 4 used)

我们可以看到,freeFragList指向了extend(page 0-63),而该extend被分配出去了4页,也就是说,当一个segment新分配空间的时候,首先会在file space header中分配32个碎片页,当碎片页分配完后,则会分配完整的extend。

index page

下面就讨论数据了。数据在ibd中都是以B+ tree索引的数据。下面先看下index page的page body:

type PageIndexHeader struct {
    nDirSlots    uint16
    heapTop      uint16
    nHeap        uint16
    free         uint16
    garbage      uint16
    lastInsert   uint16
    direction    uint16
    nDirection   uint16
    nRecs        uint16
    maxTrxID     uint64
    level        uint16
    indexID      uint64
    leafInode    FileSegmentHeader
    nonleafInode FileSegmentHeader
  1. nDirSlots: 页目录的数量
  2. level: B+树的level,用于标识是否是叶子节点还是非叶子节点


level为0标识该index page为叶子节点,也就是带有数据的节点,非0标识为非叶子节点,分为root index page和internal index page,root表示根节点,internal表示内部节点,都是索引页。

在index page中,无论有无数据,都会有2条系统记录,一条是infimum,一条是supremum。infimum表示最小的记录,supremum表示最大的记录。所有的recorder在index page中均会由单向链表组成为一整串升序记录。



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